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Acupuncture / 針炙








Acupuncture, in ancient time, referred to traditional Chinese treatment including method of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Based on TCM concept of channels and collaterals, Yin and Yang as well as Five Elements, TCM doctor diagnose illnesses and diseases through insert of acupuncture needle and medical hand technique to stimulate invisible channel of energy (Chi/Ki) on patient’s acute point for regeneration of internal body balance.

Cupping Treatment

Cupping Treatment / 拔罐



Cupping therapy, a Chinese method of deep-issue massage,
is an alternative medicine in which therapist puts special cups on your skin for 15 minutes to create suction. People receive cupping treatment mainly for various purposes, relieving muscle pain, eliminating inflammation, enhancing blood flow and relaxation, releasing scar tissue and fascial adhesions, promoting joint mobility and range as well as decreasing toxins.

Back Massage

Manual Therapy / 手法治療

We Combine many Technique like : Tui Na, Massage, Visercal Manipulation,Neural Manipulation, Yuan Shi Dian,  ...Etc








筋膜結構調整治療 (Fascia & Structure Manipulation Therapy)

整骨手法治療(Osteopathic Manual Therapy)

內臟調整技術 (Visceral Manipulation)

神經調整技術 (Neural Manipulation)

淋巴引流技術 (Lymphatic Drainage)

史迪爾技術 (Still's Technique)

推拿按摩 (Tu' na / Massage)


Energy Healing

Energy healing 能量治療


Reiki, Taoist Qigong

靈氣, 道家氣功



Reiki, a subset of alternative medicine, is a Japanese form of energy healing that its partitioners use technique called palm healing through their palms to transfer energy to patients in order to balance Ki flow of body and drain blockage of channel for the sake of enhancement of emotional or physical healing on pain and illness.

Reiki has been introduced as supplement treatment for cancer in UK and different countries around the world that is self-explained for its medical effect.


Craniosacral Therapy / 髗骶治療  (CST)




有70%的精神情緒問題其實是頭髗結構問題才產生的病徵,要根治病源, 我們便需要從頭髗結構着手。我們的頭髗骨是由22塊骨頭組成,頭顱骨技術透過微調頭顱骨校準與舒緩頭髗筋膜的繃緊使頭顱的內循環(包括血液、脊髓液等)恢復正常。頭髗的結構異常會造成循環異常,會影響大腦健康,影響腦功能。


威廉·迦納·蘇瑟蘭醫生(William Garner Sutherland.,D.O)於20世紀初跟隨結構感知學(Osteopathy)的創辦人史迪爾醫生(Dr.Still)學習結構感知學,並對頭髗骨機制作出研究,他用自己做實驗,用繃帶緊緊綁住自己的頭部,刻意影響頭髗的循環,讓太太觀察他的精神和情緒變化。經過一陣時間,蘇瑟蘭醫生出現了許多身體不適、甚至憂鬱症、狂躁等情緒問題。



髗骶骨治療法,對多種狀況都收到相當大的成效,例如偏頭痛、各類頭痛、顳下頜關節功能障礙(TMJ dysfunction),中風後遺症、閱讀障礙、認知行為功能障礙、學習障礙、專注力不足、過度活躍症、亞氏保加綜合症、自閉症、柏金遜症、老人痴呆症等。

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
adopt soft and painful-less treatment includes specific techniques such as cranial-sacral work, fascial work, and visceral manipulation to relieve pain and to strengthen immune system.

Emotional and mental problem have long been related to physiological aspect but yet researches proved that mental health is closely associated to physical side also.

Over 70% mental illnesses or emotional problems, indeed, appear to be symptoms of imbalance structure of skull. To tackle the roots of pain, OST/CST therapist will emphasize on skull treatment. Our skull is combination of 22 small pieces of bone. Through OST/CST cranial-sacral work, fascial work, and visceral manipulation, therapist fine-tuned alignment and bone structure with the aim to relieving over-tense fascia and tendon caused internal blood circulation.
Treatment can help to reset abnormal skull circulation including blood and spiral cord for sake of health improvement.

Following founder of osteopathy (OST), Dr. Still on 19 century,
William Garner Sutherland.,D.O not only specialized on OST, he also further his study and research on skull treatment. In order to have in-depth study, he intentionally tightened his own skull with assistance of his wife to record mental and emotional change during the process. After certain period of time, Dr Sutherland experienced different physical pain and problems as well as mental depression and mania.

After 30 years clinical test and research, Dr. Sutherland was able to summarize his experience and theory founding his own consummated treatment.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has been proved to have positive effect on different pain and illness namely Migraine, TMJ dysfunctionStroke sequelae, dyslexia, cognitive behavioral dysfunction, learning disability, lack of concentration, hyperactivity disorder, Asperger's syndrome, autism, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, etc.


Chinese Medicine / 傳統中藥


中藥是中醫醫療重要部分。藥材源自千百種草藥的花葉子根各部分,與及其他天然物質,各種藥材皆含有獨特藥效及其醫療功能。 中醫師按照病人年齡,體質,病徵症狀而處方不同草藥。

中醫斷症手段主要透過「望聞問切」四疹合參方法,當中最重要為望舌及把脈。 中醫看患者舌頭和脷㾂色澤,可得知其身體臟腑情況。中醫把脈則可透過28種脈象,得知患者臟腑問題。

Chinese herbs are integral part of TCM. Originated from leaves, fruits, seeds and root of various thousands plant or other natural substances, each herb has healing properties for specific purpose serving particular medical function. TCM doctor prescribe a combination of herb for every individual based on their age, physical condition, illness and disease.

Diagnostic information from TCM doctors are gathered by four examinations, namely Looking, Listening, Asking and Touching. Most important examinations are based on examining patient’s tongue and wrist pulse. Color of tongue and overall coating offer information about patient’s internal organs. Meanwhile, through touching of pulse, TCM doctor can distinguish 28 pathological pulses that tell about condition of patient’s internal organ.

Closely monitored patient’s progress, TCM doctors will amend the amount and combination of herbs in prescription for hopes of the best healing effect to patients.

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