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Traditional Chinese Medicine

我們的診所䋢根香港十餘年,治療過無數患者,經過無數次的臨床驗證,我們團隊發現單一系統無法治好所有病患; 經過多年來不斷的學習與鑽研,最終把中西方醫術熔合為一,以針灸平衡經絡氣機,以中藥調理體內陰陽,以非常豐富及多樣的手法技術處理筋肌膜、關節骨頭等。


Our team discovered single medical treatment cannot cure all illnesses and diseases. With years of research and study, we finally succeed in combination and unification of eastern and western medical treatment, namely application of acupuncture for balance the energy flow (Chi/Ki), utilization of Chinese herbs for enhancement of immune system (Ying and Yang concept) and usage of hand treatment techniques from different countries for tendon relaxation and bone-adjustment.
Our goal: To try our very best to cure every single patient

鍾醫師(Wyatt Chung) 已回到香港,將再次為大家服務。
診所將於2023年9月4日搬到 香港尖沙咀山林道50號俊橋商業中心7E
電話/Whats app : +852-61172795  (敬請預約)


Acupuncture / 針炙


According to the theories of meridian and five elements, the doctor stimulates the acupoints on the body with fine needles and specific techniques to improve the circulation of the meridians.


Back Massage

Manual Therapy / 手法治療


We Combine many Technique like : Tui Na, Massage, Visercal Manipulation,Neural Manipulation, Yuan Shi Dian,  ...Etc

推拿, 按摩, 內臟筋膜舒緩技術,神經舒緩技術, 原始點....等等


Craniosacral Therapy / 髗骶治療


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle & Painless hand on  technique to relieve the tension in the central nervous system, release pain and increased immunity.



Chinese Medicine / 傳統中藥


Chinese medicine is a traditional herbal medicine, according to the patient's condition, different medicines are formulated to improve patient health.


Cupping Treatment

Cupping Treatment / 拔罐


Therapist puts special cups on your skin to create suction to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, Muscle relaxation.


Energy Healing

Energy healing 氣功治療


Reiki, Taoist Qigong


靈氣治療, 道家氣功

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules

“We suffer from the blockage of circulation"
 the ancient theory of traditional Chinese medicine

中醫理論: 「不通則痛」

We located at Hong Kong TST, please Contact Dr.Wyatt Chung for appointment

+852-61172795 (by Whats App)

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Natural Medicine
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